Reading is a daily part of our lives through all curriculum areas. Specific reading for development is through our school library system of the Accelerated Reading scheme. All pupils are tested on entry using the STAR reading quiz which provides a reading age, standardised score and a starting point of appropriate texts related to their sight vocabulary and knowledge of the words read. The Accelerated Reading scheme is based around quizzes that children will take once a book has been completed. These are designed to check the child’s understanding of a book and help them pick another title that will be appropriate for their level. Teachers are able to view the types of books that children are reading and can make recommendations accordingly.
We strongly encourage parents and carers to read daily with their child, even if it is just for a short period. We have a ‘Reading Miles’ system which records each time a child reads to an adult and ‘theme’ certificates are awarded accordingly. This changes annually to keep the momentum and interest of the children e.g. authors, mountains, space. A ‘Word Millionaire’ display board allows children to view how many words they have read with an incentive to expand their vocabulary and read more books, especially in upper key stage.
Reading is an integral part of our writing journeys. During the immersion section of the learning journey we use our family of reading characters to develop children’s reading skills, enabling them to discuss a wide range of reading material at a deeper level. Guided reading is also closely linked to the writing learning journeys so that children can further experience the integral relationship between the two. Teachers focus on particular reading skills using our reading characters: Spotter, Clue Finder, Effect Analyser and Explorer and use a variety of differentiated quality texts.
As well as the teaching of reading, we hope to foster a love and enjoyment of books. When possible, authors and illustrators visit the school, including as part of our annual Book Day celebrations. Each classroom has a designated reading corner which reflects the importance of developing a lifelong love of reading through comfortable seating and a range of quality texts to suit a variety of readers.
Meet Our Reading Characters:
'Bookflix has been great, as I have found so many different books that I can get into and enjoy!' Year 5 reader.
'I have liked how we have shared a class book every term to help us in our English learning journeys. I have loved the Bookflix subscription, as I have been able to read a wider variety of books at school.' Year 5 reader.